Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Zephaniah 3:14-18

Zephaniah 3:14-18
English Standard Version (ESV) 

  When we think of the mighty works of God, do we also remember that he is in our midst, that he is here among us, on the move, exulting over us?  God did not come to save and then abandon us -- God came to save and continues to surround us with his grace and peace.
   The temptation is to think of salvation as a one-time event.  I was saved at this place at this time.  The reality is that while salvation has taken place, your sanctification is still ongoing, every day of your life.  God is doing a great work in growing you up, maturing you into the disciple he has called you to be, and so our primary task is to listen, and we are then to follow God's word into the world, rejoicing at his grace and joining with our companions on their own walks.  Sometimes, we are called to mourn with those who mourn, while other times call us to celebrate with those in joy.  Each day is different, but we are still living into our calling, still working out our identity as disciples, still discovering what it means to be a Christian each and every day.

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