Matthew 23:1-12
English Standard Version (ESV)
On Saturday, I rode 47.2 miles (I signed up for 45, wasn't aware of the extra 2.2 they tacked on at the end!) to help fund cancer research. The money raised funds new and cutting-edge research, all in the hope that we'll find a cure (or cures) for this dreaded disease. Pelotonia is a great event -- there are people throughout the event that stand at the end of their driveways and cheer the riders on, thanking them for their efforts. There is food and drink at the beginning and end and at rest stops along the way. We had a blast. Pelotonia is planned to help everyone remember what the event is about, to remember the purpose. It's not about the individuals, it's about the greater cause.
That's what church is supposed to be about as well. It's not about just the people in the pews or the pastor preaching a great sermon or the soloist who sings beautifully. It's not about a great building or the perfect children's ministry. It's ultimately focused on God, and it's about gathering a bunch of broken and sinful people and joining our voices and efforts and hearts towards God.
If we forget that, and we start to think it's all about me, then we stray away from how it's supposed to work. That's what the Pharisees were doing -- they were enjoying the benefits, forgetting the real purpose. They thought it was all about them and their comfort. They had lost Christ by spending all their time focusing on the self.
May we pray for the humility to keep Christ in the center. Each of us joins a greater effort, a greater kingdom, and we strive together to give glory to God.
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