Thursday, December 6, 2018

Isaiah 55:1-5

Isaiah 55:1-5 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Isaiah spent a lot of time looking forward.  In the midst of challenging times, he lifted his eyes forward and imagined the future God has in store for us.  This future isn't a divided society, where wealthy elites escape the burdens faced by so many just trying to scrape by.  There will be no one sleeping in door frames and searching through the garbage for sustenance.  No, the riches of the Kingdom of God are available without price -- no money would be enough to buy the anyway!  God gives them freely, inviting us to participate in a different economy, where we eat richly and delight in what is good at the will of God.  Our souls will live in an everlasting relationship based on the selfless and endless love of God.
  So be careful when you think about saving for the future.  Don't let the world trick you into believe that the only investment you can make is monetary.  While saving is good and investing is fine, the spiritual riches God offers trump whatever monetary plans we can make.  Our future does not depend upon a bank account and our worth is not measured by the spread on the table from which we eat -- we are counted as worthy because we are counted as Christ's, and the future we hold is abundant because of the great love with which God loves us.

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