Thursday, December 15, 2022

John 20:17

John 20:17 

  Jesus has been resurrected for less than a day and he's already pointing people towards one another.  Christianity isn't meant to be just 'me and Jesus', but rather there is a horizontal component that is just as important as the vertical -- we do faith with one another.  This is where a lot of spirituality programs fall short -- they miss that Jesus is always sending us out into the world together, to love and serve one another.  I think we miss this a lot in church, too -- church isn't just about showing up once a week to serve God individually.  It's about building relationships with one another, building a community of faith that worships together, as one body, and complimenting each other's strengths and weaknesses.  We do this together, not individually, and we're better for it, even as we're occasionally in conflict, because we all have some sharp edges that run up against the sharp edges of other people.  
  May we love and serve together, and recognize the ways Jesus sends us into the community.

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