Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Mark 15:42-47

Mark 15:42-47 

  The wonders of the Gospel is that we often have no idea how God might use us or the resources we have in our lives.  We think we know what discipleship will look like -- and then something happens that we never would've expected.  Imagine telling Joseph of Arimathea when he was young that he'd one day wind up with an extra tomb that would end up hosting one of the most pivotal events in human history, and what he would need would be the courage to ask Pilate for the body of a crucified man.  He probably would've asked for a more traditional route of discipleship.  But that's not what he was called to.
  I don't know what you're called to do.  I don't know how you're called to serve.  It may something ordinary that is completely expected.  Or it could be something marvelously unexpected that will make you wonder what God is up to.  We only know when the moments reveal themselves, and at that moment, God asks us to look at everything in our lives and offer it up for the glory of God.  If we're willing to do that, we end up in the deep waters of discipleship, where God calls us and challenges us and equips us and sends us.  

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