Friday, March 22, 2024

James 3:1-5

James 3:1-5 
  Sometimes on the news, you'll hear about how social media erupted over a certain issue and a company or person responded due to the outrage.  I'm always skeptical how representative social media is of the larger population.  They're certainly more vocal, but a lot of people are simply too busy to spend all their time on social media, and they're probably not outraged, but because they don't voice their thoughts on the internet, their voice isn't heard.  The vocal minority is often seen as representative because they're the loudest.  
  Our tongues are a small part of the body, but they have an oversized impact.  What we say shapes a lot of our lives and our relationships.  We're called to pay attention to what we say, to how we use our words -- they can build one another up, or they can tear one another down.  How will you use your words?  Will you care for one another?  Will you build community?

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