Thursday, March 5, 2015

Psalm 124

Psalm 124
  English Standard Version (ESV)

  There is a current fundraising campaign for Ohio State called 'But for Ohio State'.  The idea is that you wonder how life might have been different if you hadn't attended Ohio State.  I, for one, would be much warmer without all the snow, but I suspect that I am gaining more from this experience than toughness against adverse weather.
  Think of the most important people in your life.  How would your life be different without them?  Do you express your gratitude and your joy to them?  Do you give thanks that they wander this path of life with you?  They add immeasurable depth and wonder to our daily walk.
  If it were not for God, we would not have made it this far.  Darkness and chaos would have snatched us up, and we would have no hope, no light in the night, no confidence that a path leads out of the valley of the shadow of death.  Desolation would circle, and we would wait and hope for a merciful end.
  But God is here, and he is with us, and we shall not fail!

May we go forth today with confidence in the power and joy of God

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