Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Psalm 132:1-10

Psalm 132:1-10
English Standard Version (ESV)

  What keeps you up?  What unfinished projects nag at your soul until you cannot rest?  I don't do many puzzles anymore -- not because I don't enjoy them, but I end up telling myself 'One more piece' hundreds of times until it's 3:30 in the morning.  The unfinished nature of the puzzle nags at me and I want to finish it.  If I'm within 75 pages of the end of a novel, I feel compelled to stay up and finish it, no matter what time it is.  Being that close makes it so hard for me to go to bed.
  Here, David feels compelled to find a home for the Ark of the Covenant.  He doesn't want to sleep until it's finished.
  In our own lives, does the sense of worship compel us to make time for God?  Do we feel driven to worship, to contemplate our beloved, to spend time before God?  Are we willing to put off anything so that we can have some space alone before God, or do we let any old thing break in and steal that time, and when it grows late, do we just talk about how we can do that tomorrow?

  May we be passionate, making worship a priority.

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