Psalm 128
English Standard Version (ESV)
I think this is a prayer more than it is a definitive statement. We pray that those who fear the Lord will be richly blessed, that all will be well and the wife and kids will be a blessing. Life doesn't always turn out like that, does it?
The faithful life is one of twists and turns, of mountaintops and valleys, of joy and tears. This is normal. We aren't doing something wrong if we're struggling to get by each day. We certainly pray for peace and prosperity, but part of being fully human means dwelling in a broken world surrounded by chaos and turbulence. Just like any airplane flight, there are smooth sections and bumpy parts, and each flight is different--some feel like mostly smooth sailing while others leave you reaching for the airsick bag.
Let us pray for peace and prosperity, for ourselves and for our neighbors, and strive to be faithful servants of God, trusting that the life he has prepared for us, as well as the life he calls us to lead, will be marked by deep peace and confidence in his overwhelming grace and power.
May you find God's peace today
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