Galatians 1:1-5
English Standard Version (ESV)
Paul's writing to the church in Galatia at an important time in the life of that church -- they're adding new believers, and the new believers coming in are different than the current church. The church is wrestling with how they have to change, and there's a sizable faction that wants to make the new believers follow the old Jewish laws. Paul, however, is reminding the entire church that the Gospel means that Christ is sufficient for salvation -- there is nothing else that is needed to be done. He starts clearly here -- that Christ gave himself for our sins to deliver us, and it was by the will of God.
Thousands of years later, the church still wrestles with bringing in new believers. Often, these believers want to change things, and the church is often busy telling the new believers how they need to change. There is lots of change involved on both sides, as God refreshes the church and transforms the new believers. What's important is that we remain open to change, that we allow the room for God to work on our hearts and our lives, that we might not woodenly remain the same, because we then develop blind spots to how God is at work.
So I'd invite you to find some articles on trends in the church. Notice what's happening in the larger church world. Some of these may make you uncomfortable. Try and understand the motives. See what is happening. Some of it may be wrong, and needs to be corrected. Some of it may be a helpful learning area, and it could help rejuvenate the church in its outreach. All of it can teach us and help us understand what we believe, why we believe it and how we can be in conversation with the larger world.
Personally, I think Christianity Today is a great source. I'm also a big fan of the folks over at White Horse Inn. There are countless other sources -- just read, or listen, and see what is out there.
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