Galatians 3:15-20
English Standard Version (ESV)
I was listening to a podcast by the White Horse Inn the other day and they made an excellent point -- the Law reveals to us how high the standard for perfection before God is, and the impossibility of it, and so makes our need for Christ all the more apparent. The Law reveals our desperate need for the Gospel, and God, in God's infinite grace, grants us a path forward despite the prison we build out of our own sinful choices.
The Law, and all of the Old Testament, points forward to Christ. The Old Testament is itching in anticipation of the Savior that will deliver us, and the New Testament is declaring the joy that we have in Christ and inviting all into the covenant community. You have been delivered from the demands of the Law into the kingdom of grace - may the love of God that sought you out and seeks you still remind you of the fact that God's wrath at sin is not directed at us, but instead God chooses to pour out love and favor upon God's creations.
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