Galatians 5:1-6
English Standard Version (ESV)
Paul is setting up a choice -- you can be completely dependent upon yourself, or you can completely depend on Christ. To Paul, there is no middle ground -- you can't rely upon yourself but use Christ as a backup plan. You can't have Christ because you like some things but aren't a fan of others. You can depend fully upon him, or you can choose your own way -- but it's a clear choice, one way or the other. You can't have both.
It sounds harsh in some ways, but remember what is being offered -- Christ has offered to us, FOR FREE, eternal life that we cannot earn. The other option is to try our hardest (and fail) at getting this for ourselves. Which would you choose? Let's say I was going to offer you a choice -- you could have $1 billion tomorrow, no strings attached as a tax-free gift, or you could have $1 billion in twenty years if you were completely perfect for the entire time, which would you choose? You'd take the free gift, right? Why try and earn what we cannot earn when Christ offers it to us for free? To Paul, it's clear what is better -- Christ has offered himself on the cross to do for us what we could not do ourselves. The depths of God's love have never been more clear. We are so treasured that we have been bought at the ultimate price so that we might dwell with God forever. You are beloved -- and the only thing that counts is allowing your faith to steer your life as it works itself out through love. THAT IS ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!! How great is the Father's love for you, and how treasured you are.
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