Romans 7:15-20
English Standard Version (ESV)
So the 1-3" of snow last night turned into 5-6", which made the commute pretty tricky this morning. I'd point my car in one direction, and it mostly went that way. But even when I was trying my hardest, the conditions on the road were dictating that it was slow and uncertain progress. Trying to go faster on my own would have been foolish -- so I went slowly and was patient, remembering the blessing of having a car with a working heater and a job to go to.
In our spiritual lives, so often we want to blast forward in a straight and direct line to the objective, which is a mature and developed relationship with Christ. In reality, the conditions in the world around us, and the brokenness within us, dictates that it is slow and unsteady progress. Sin is constantly diverting us, and while we continue to move forward, it's not always a straight line. Just like the overpass I was trying to climb today, covered in slush, sometimes the wheels spin and the car doesn't go anywhere until it finds some grip and patiently climbs what was once an insurmountable obstacle.
It's easy to be jealous of those who make it look easy. Some people with all wheel drive can get around on the snow pretty well. Someday, with the help of the Holy Spirit, I'll be there, trusting in God and better able to overcome the obstacles. Until then, I'll slowly push forward, looking for opportunities, counting my blessings, and keeping my eyes on the prize.
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