Thursday, January 18, 2024

1 Timothy 6:17-19

1 Timothy 6:17-19 

  The Bible has a lot to say about money, and it's all nuanced and complex -- none of it straightforward, which I deeply appreciate.  It's great to be treated like an adult, to be challenged.  It's easy to just think that money is bad and we should give it all away.  Indeed, Jesus tells the rich young ruler to do exactly that.  Why does he do that, when other rich people aren't charged the same prescription?  We don't know exactly, but it's because Jesus treats each of us differently, challenging and loving us uniquely.  We aren't just another faceless Christian -- we're beloved and treasured for who we are, and we're asked to grow a little differently, because we're not all the same.
  Here in 1 Timothy, we're talking about money again, and the rich are challenged to ensure their hope doesn't rest on their riches.  Instead, their riches are called to fuel their good works, so that when they define themselves as rich, it's on the basis of their lives and how money deepens their relationships, so that the money is simply a way to invest in God's Kingdom.  If they use their money well, it'll help them see how they can take hold of the true wealth of God's Kingdom, and discover true wealth and true life.  Let us not get confused by all the things that glitter here and now, and may we focus on what is truly life. 

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