Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Proverbs 2:1-5

Proverbs 2:1-5 

  Social media is awash in people promising riches.  They'll teach you how to trade penny stocks and options and make a huge fortune with very little effort.  They'll probably teach you how to trade various coins and NFTs and other products that may or may not have any real value.  It's easy to dismiss these, but lots of people invest their time and money into these schemes, hoping for a way to get rich quickly.  
  Seek the Lord like silver, Scripture teaches us, and we'll discover unimaginable wealth.  True riches, God tells us, are obtainable, only they don't look like what the world will tell you they look like.  These riches bring peace of mind and stability in ways money can never buy.  Joy, deep joy, is purchased with the Lord's treasure, and when you buy such things, you don't have less treasure -- you have more, because of the way the Lord produces abundance.  
  I pray for the ability to discern true wealth from the world's wealth.  It's so easy to get confused and spend too much time and energy pursuing earthly wealth.  There's nothing inherently wrong with material wealth -- until we fall in love with it and love it more than God.  That's when it's dangerous.  That's when it steals our heart.  That's when we start to lose sight of God's treasure, and we become poor, no matter how much earthly treasure we may have. 

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