Tuesday, April 2, 2024

James 4:6-10

James 4:6-10 

  Verse six might sum up most of the Bible -- you could write it after most of the times people mess things up.  You could write it after most of the things I mess up in life, too!  God gives more grace.  When we give God a reason to walk away, God gives more grace.  The challenge for us is to accept God's grace -- rather than try and find a way to dig ourselves out of whatever hole we're in through our own efforts, can we sit back, humbly accept our weakness, and trust in God?  Can will exalt those who humble themselves, because they're the ones who know the only path forward is through the righteousness of Christ.  That's how we turn our mourning into laughter -- we mourn for our failures, but we laugh when the world tries to tell us those are the end, because we know that it's really only a new beginning, made possible because God gives more grace.

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