Tuesday, April 9, 2024

James 5:1-6

James 5:1-6

  James isn't known for his subtlety, and the Bible isn't often kind to those who value riches above all else.  The Bible is a complex document, and it's approach to money certainly isn't simplistic.  We shouldn't automatically dismiss these words and move on, but we read them in context with other places Scripture talks about money.  It's a warning -- greed captures our hearts so easily, and often without us noticing.  Greed is one of those sins that we can do without realizing it.  We know when we steal something, or when we gossip, but greed can happen without our noticing.  
  May we be very careful about how we deal with money, recognizing its power and the promises it makes.  It often doesn't intend to keep those promises, but it doesn't matter -- by the time we're in its clutches, it can be too late to see the way it corrodes our hearts.  Of what eternal value is money?  We'll lose it all eventually anyway, so may we see it for what it is -- a tool that can be of great use here on earth, but it cannot deliver us, and it cannot save us.  It cannot fulfill the deepest desires of our hearts.  It can bring great joy if we use it wisely, and it can be a tool to build community if we use it well.  We can learn generosity through good stewardship of money, among other things.  Obsessing over it can eat away at the attentions of our hearts... whether we have it or not.  Thinking about ways to share what we have, ways to bless others -- that can enrich us, that can deepen our connections with each other and help us see God at work in ourselves and the community.

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