Monday, December 9, 2024

1 Peter 2:13-17

1 Peter 2:13-17 

  Part of being Christians is being part of a larger society -- we don't isolate and live on our own, but we go out into the community and seek to influence it for good.  We believe that God loves all people and that God is working to reconcile all people back to himself, and so we partake in society.  Trying to overthrow society would paint us as power-hungry.  I do believe that we're called to speak up when we see things that are wrong, to represent the voices of the oppressed and downtrodden.  We're to be advocates for people who are otherwise silenced.  It's tempting to withdraw, to avoid many of the downsides of community, but just like the disciples, we are sent out into the world with a message of hope for a world weary from conflict.  May we proclaim that message and live that message.

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