Monday, December 16, 2024

1 Peter 3:18-22

1 Peter 3:18-22 

  As we draw nearer to Christmas, a few things happen.  You start to feel like the season is racing by and you're not ready for Christmas, and the inundation from commercials becomes unbearable.  Maybe Christmas traditions help anchor the season by providing things to look forward to or celebrations that remind you of the connections we have, but it's so hard to stay focused during Christmas.  It always seems to me like the next thing is bearing down on me.
  Scripture has its ways of reminding us of the miracles of God's love.  The more we read, the more we listen, we see and hear God's promises appearing over and over.  They overlap and intersect, with Noah pointing ahead to Jesus and Jesus pointing back reminding us that God has been at work this entire time.  All of Scripture is a gift, sent to affirm our belief, to push us beyond our comfort level, and ultimately to treasure God's presence and seek out God's guidance.

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