Wednesday, December 11, 2024

1 Peter 3:8-12

1 Peter 3:8-12 
  This may be the hardest part of being a Christian -- we're called to exercise love even in the face of evil.  I was reading about some of the problems the Columbus Zoo has with traffic when tens of thousands of people show up and then all try and leave at the same time.  Inevitably, fights break out in the parking lot as one person gets mad and then the next person gets mad in response.  We can't help but react in anger when others are doing the same.  
  But the Gospels tell us that it's not how we're made.  We are called to bless in the midst of such situations, as hard as that may seem.  In the midst of such situations, how can we pray for Holy Spirit wisdom to be a blessing to others, to seek ways to love, to exercise patience?  

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