Thursday, September 29, 2011

Devotional--Sin, Part III

Judges 17.6

In those days there was no king in Israel; all the people did what was right in their own eyes.

  Judges was a rough time for the people of God.  Their leaders were not always Godly people, and often the people drifted away from the Law, far from the people God called them to be.

  It's not that difficult to draw a comparison between then and now.  Back then, the standard for morality became what was right in their own eyes.  Now, we are often afraid to talk about right and wrong, and leave people to decide for themselves.  Often, the results can lead people farther away from God.

  We live within a framework as the people of God--Jesus Christ has shown us how to live.  He has taught us what is right and what is wrong.  We are to follow his example in selfless living, in generous loving.  We are to stay far away from selfishness and greed, to be wary of allowing our hearts to be captured by the things of this world.  We are to love our neighbors, to love our enemies, and to work for justice and peace.  We are called to hate sin and love God.

  As the people of God, we turn from sin to God.  Doing what is right is rarely easy, but it builds our character, and as a community we gain strength from one another to grow as the people of God, living for God's glory, rather than our own.  Doing what we want is easy--doing what is best for the community, for others, for God, takes a bit more work.


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