Thursday, March 27, 2014

March 27 E-News


Mark Your Calendars-- On Wednesday, April 2 @ 6:45 we will have a representative from Jews for Jesus to explain how the traditional Passover meal foreshadowed Jesus' death & resurrection.

Potluck!-- This Sunday!

Devotionals-- If you're interested in having all of the New Testament daily devotionals on your e-reader, they can be purchased on Amazon. Just click here for 6 years worth of devotionals that cover the entire New Testament.

Community Kitchen Spot

There are a lot of hungry and homeless children of God and the community needs some help feeding them. If you would like to help out, please bring the following items to church this Sunday & put them on the bookshelf.
Plastic Forks, Knives, Spoons
Dinner Napkins
Heavy Duty Sectional Dinner Plates
Dessert Plates

New Hope News

Sunday SchoolDon Kaller is going to be teaching the adult Sunday School class in March & April.

Easter Egg HuntSunday, April 20 @ 10. Please bring plastic eggs filled with non-chocolate candy to the Narthex over the next few weeks!

Pray For:
Norma Capone

Peggy & John L.

For Nelson, Judy's brother

For those who mourn, that they may recognize the presence of the risen Christ with them, and that they may lean into the promise of resurrection.

For the kids in confirmation class: Ashley, R.J., Chase, Jade & Jackson


Keith's Random Thoughts

A week ago, you never would have believed that it would have been possible to fit a riding lawnmower into my mother's garage. It was filled with stuff, from raccoon traps to a snowblower to a chainsaw to a sled. There was room for the cars, but little else.
I'll admit to a moment of trepidation before I rolled up my sleeves to get working. (Ok, it actually entailed putting on a sweatshirt, since it was cold, but that metaphor doesn't work as well.) The tractor needed to fit, because otherwise the mice in the barn would make a home in it, and they're much better at breaking things than fixing it. (Just think—if we could harness the destructive power of small critters and put that to use fixing things like potholes and leaking pipes... But I digress.)
I moved a lot of things around. I tried a few things that didn't work. I made multiple trips to Lowe's. It took 3 days before I was finally happy with the general structure of things, and even then I had to do some minor adjustments to make sure that everything fit. New things needed to be added. Old things needed to be discarded. Existing things needed to be re-imagined and re-purposed.
Sounds a bit like a spiritual life, doesn't it?
First, we have to know our priority. What do you want your life to be about? What are the most important things? What absolutely has to fit? (At first glance, you may wonder how something else will fit in to your already-packed life. It may not the way you live now. But with changes, you can fit new priorities in if you're willing to de-prioritize other things.)
Secondly, you have to take some things apart, move things around, to see what the empty space looks like. You might be astonished how much room you have if you take everything out, and then it might go back in much more orderly.
Finally, you have to be willing to discard some things, to try new things, and to admit that some ideas won't work. They may work for a neighbor or friend, but it's ok if they don't work for you. Not all of us are meant to spend hours in meditation. That's ok. Find what works. Make room for it. You might be surprised at the results of intentional action.

Text for this Sunday

In Lystra there was a certain man who lacked strength in his legs. He had been crippled since birth and had never walked. Sitting there, he 9 heard Paul speaking. Paul stared at him and saw that he believed he could be healed.

10 Raising his voice, Paul said, “Stand up straight on your feet!” He jumped up and began to walk.

11 Seeing what Paul had done, the crowd shouted in the Lycaonian language, “The gods have taken human form and come down to visit us!” 12 They referred to Barnabas as Zeus and to Paul as Hermes, since Paul was the main speaker. 13 The priest of Zeus, whose temple was located just outside the city, brought bulls and wreaths to the city gates. Along with the crowds, he wanted to offer sacrifices to them.

14 When the Lord’s messengers Barnabas and Paul found out about this, they tore their clothes in protest and rushed out into the crowd. They shouted, 15 “People, what are you doing? We are humans too, just like you! We are proclaiming the good news to you: turn to the living God and away from such worthless things. He made the heaven, the earth, the sea, and everything in them.[a] 16 In the past, he permitted every nation to go its own way. 17 Nevertheless, he hasn’t left himself without a witness. He has blessed you by giving you rain from above as well as seasonal harvests, and satisfying you with food and happiness.” 18 Even with these words, they barely kept the crowds from sacrificing to them.

19 Jews from Antioch and Iconium arrived and won the crowds over. They stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city, supposing he was dead. 20 When the disciples surrounded him, he got up and entered the city again. The following day he left with Barnabas for Derbe.

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