Thursday, March 6, 2014

March 6 New Hope E-News


Mark Your Calendars-- On Wednesday, April 2 @ 6:45 we will have a representative from Jews for Jesus to explain how the traditional Passover meal foreshadowed Jesus' death & resurrection.  If you're interested in helping prepare for this event, please send me an email.  We need someone willing to host the representative on the night of April 2 and some help preparing for the event.

Youth Committee-- Meeting on March 18 @ 6:30

Community Kitchen Spot
There are a lot of hungry and homeless children of God and the community needs some help feeding them. If you would like to help out, please bring the following items to church this Sunday & put them on the bookshelf.
Plastic Forks, Knives, Spoons
Dinner Napkins
Heavy Duty Sectional Dinner Plates
Dessert Plates

New Hope News

Sunday SchoolDon Kaller is going to be teaching the adult Sunday School class in March & April.

Fruit of the Spirit-- Sunday evenings @ 6:15

Pray For:
Norma Capone, Christine Dyer

Peggy & John L.

This whole situation in Crimea. I think we especially need to pray for the individual people. It's easy to focus so much on the global implications and the bigger situation that we forget about people like you and I who are just struggling to live their daily lives in the midst of this chaos.

For the kids in confirmation class: Ashley, R.J., Chase, Jade & Jackson


Keith's Random Thoughts

I get pretty excited about baseball season. To me, there is something grand about stretched out in the sun with a baseball game on the radio... it just feels right. The long months between the end of the Reds' season and the beginning of Spring Training games can be pretty bleak for this baseball fan. The rhythm of pitching and hitting brings an added joy to my life.
It's pretty easy for me to get caught up in baseball. I can spend a day thinking about it, wondering how the Reds will do this year, examining their flaws and rejoicing in their strengths. I can wonder about the other teams in their division and how other moves might affect the team. I can think about the matchup tonight and wonder why player X is struggling so badly. In short, it can occupy my mind.
Baseball is one of many things that can do so. We all invest a lot of time thinking about things, about people and situations. Most of our thoughts don't lead us toward resolution or progress, they just turn the wheels of our minds. We think about our jobs and our health and our families and our friends and the future and the world news and the weather and we often speculate about the many possible ways life can go wrong. We think a lot.
What happens, at least with me, is that I think about all these things so often that I forget to think about God. I don't mean to, I just get so caught up thinking about everything else that I don't have any leftover time to give to God, and while I promise to do better tomorrow, there is often a new batch of thoughts (or the old ones) then.
It's not that these things are bad. It's just that God doesn't want to be resigned to the leftovers. God wants to be first in our minds, and he wants the awareness of his presence and love to permeate our family, friends, jobs, etc. We can enjoy these things as faithful disciples.
It's a tough balance. It requires intense re-training of our hearts and minds, and it requires hard work that is easily avoided. I think it's worth it, though. I think that investing our time and energy in such training will yield peace in our hearts and minds down the road. A confidence and awareness in God's presence is worth working toward, isn't it?
Maybe I'll think on that during the next ballgame...

Text for this Sunday, March 9

Meanwhile, Saul was still spewing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples. He went to the high priest, 2 seeking letters to the synagogues in Damascus. If he found persons who belonged to the Way, whether men or women, these letters would authorize him to take them as prisoners to Jerusalem. 3 During the journey, as he approached Damascus, suddenly a light from heaven encircled him. 4 He fell to the ground and heard a voice asking him, “Saul, Saul, why are you harassing me?”

5 Saul asked, “Who are you, Lord?”

I am Jesus, whom you are harassing,” came the reply. 6 “Now get up and enter the city. You will be told what you must do.”

7 Those traveling with him stood there speechless; they heard the voice but saw no one. 8 After they picked Saul up from the ground, he opened his eyes but he couldn’t see. So they led him by the hand into Damascus. 9 For three days he was blind and neither ate nor drank anything.

10 In Damascus there was a certain disciple named Ananias. The Lord spoke to him in a vision, “Ananias!”

He answered, “Yes, Lord.”

11 The Lord instructed him, “Go to Judas’ house on Straight Street and ask for a man from Tarsus named Saul. He is praying. 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias enter and put his hands on him to restore his sight.”

13 Ananias countered, “Lord, I have heard many reports about this man. People say he has done horrible things to your holy people in Jerusalem. 14 He’s here with authority from the chief priests to arrest everyone who calls on your name.”

15 The Lord replied, “Go! This man is the agent I have chosen to carry my name before Gentiles, kings, and Israelites. 16 I will show him how much he must suffer for the sake of my name.”

17 Ananias went to the house. He placed his hands on Saul and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord sent me—Jesus, who appeared to you on the way as you were coming here. He sent me so that you could see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” 18 Instantly, flakes fell from Saul’s eyes and he could see again. He got up and was baptized. 19 After eating, he regained his strength.

He stayed with the disciples in Damascus for several days. 20 Right away, he began to preach about Jesus in the synagogues. “He is God’s Son,” he declared.

21 Everyone who heard him was baffled. They questioned each other, “Isn’t he the one who was wreaking havoc among those in Jerusalem who called on this name? Hadn’t he come here to take those same people as prisoners to the chief priests?”

22 But Saul grew stronger and stronger. He confused the Jews who lived in Damascus by proving that Jesus is the Christ.

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