Friday, May 4, 2018

Matthew 11:25-30

Matthew 11:25-30 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  There have been times in my life when I have been confronted with a difficult problem.  In these times, I have poured myself into the problem and sometimes managed to figure it out.  At the completion of such problems, I am usually overjoyed and somewhat thrilled with my ability to find a way through.  I take pride in my ability to find the solution.
  When it comes to sin, we cannot find our way through.  Our own ingenuity and perseverance will never find a solution, no matter how doggedly we pursue it.  It's a problem we cannot solve, for our sin has created a gulf between ourselves and God, and only God can repair that. 
  And so it takes a childlike understand to accept that this is something the Father must do.  Children accept that only their parents can fix some things, and we, too, must have the spirit of a child and accept that only our Father can repair the gulf.  Only the love of God can bring us back into the golf, and so we rejoice.
  We who are tired and heavy laden, we who are exhausted from trying to find our own way home -- we rejoice at the relief God offers, at the healing and the initiative God offers.  God loves us, and he calls us to set down our attempts to fix the breach on our own, our attempts that were only exhausting our soul, and to pick up the yoke of discipleship, the one that calls us to accept what Christ has done, that calls us to lay down our own efforts to be Savior and accept Christ as Savior, and washed in his Love, we are freed to live in peace and grace.

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