Friday, September 14, 2018

Matthew 27:45-56

Matthew 27:45-56 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  For some reason, this passage always makes me think of the beginning of a concert, that moment when crowds are lining up outside and the pit is still roped off.  Security lifts the rope and fans surge forward to the front, wanting to get as close to the band as they can, waiting with anxious cries to approach the stage.  There is such anticipation, joy and delight as they rush ahead toward the object of their desire.
  The tearing of the temple curtain is often lost in the midst of the action, but it's such a critical moment.  The curtain served to restrict access to the holy of holies, the holiest place in all the world, in the temple.  The tearing of the curtain signifies the removal of barriers to God -- in Jesus Christ, we have full access to God, for he has removed the barrier of our sins through his atoning death on the cross.  We are forgiven, restored, redeemed in Christ, and we can surge forward towards God, the object of our heart's true affection.

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