Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Mark 2:1-12

Mark 2:1-12 
The Message 

  Jesus had three years of public ministry.  I don't think he wasted a lot of time -- when the crowds were gathered around him he taught them the Word, and it was clearly compelling, because people streamed around him to hear it -- so many that new ones had to come in through the ceiling!  
  If you knew you had three years, how would you live it?  What would you do?  Would you pursue Truth relentlessly, desperate to discover what is True and what isn't?  Would you seek pleasure, seek relationship, seek wealth?  We'd likely all make different choices.  
  I saw a notice that someone I volunteered with in Chattanooga passed away suddenly.  Life happens fast.  As we are reminded all too often, we don't always get to pursue our plans.  
  Thinking about this election, there is so much anger directed at other people.  Everything seems to be comprised of people yelling at each other anymore.  
  I don't have a problem with people being upset about situations.  I think it's good to care enough about things to get upset about them.  There are things going on that should upset you, and that should motivate you to work to change them.  That's how things are supposed to work.
  But to yell and scream at other people?  It's unlikely to change anyone's mind, and is that really the best way to build community, to build consensus?  Does it help?  I don't think so.
  I keep a sign above my desk at work that says 'Blame the Problem, not the person'.  I hope that it will remind me that when I get upset, the best thing to do is to work towards a solution, not to attack the person who seems to be responsible for the problem.  
  You have limited time on this earth.  Invest it in the things you care about.  Seek to be committed and gracious and filled with Truth.  Don't waste your time shouting at other people -- rather invest your time in acts of mercy, in the pursuit of justice, and let your life be a demonstration of how an eternal Kingdom has taken root inside your heart and will not let go for all of eternity.  
  You are living your life, here and now, on a much larger plane of existence.  Death is a defeated enemy.  But it can still be a mentor, teaching us to value our time and our relationships, and reminding us not to waste the precious gifts we have.

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