Friday, November 13, 2020

Mark 3:20-27

Mark 3:20-27 
The Message 

  This election has been very interesting to watch.  I was 19 in 2000 and perhaps the electoral college wasn't the first thing on my mind, but I seem to recall the issues around that election were specific as to what votes were counted in Florida and which were not.  This year, the air is filled with suspicions and accusations of dark machinations, of plots behind the curtain to steal an election, of bad actors frauduantly pushing one candidate ahead through various means.  I've heard and seen these ideas from both sides -- there's a deep lack of trust and confusion as to where the truth lies.  
  The older I get, the more intrigued I am by Pilate's question to Jesus:  What is truth?  When I was younger I don't think I paid much attention to it, but as I grow and become more aware of the competing narratives and the ways our hearts are pushed and pulled in various directions and the struggles to stay focused on what matters, I think about that question more and more.  What is truth?  How do I pursue what is true when I am so pressed down by what is urgent?  How do I find truth when it can seem so challenging, and some days the last thing I am looking for is another challenge?
  My thoughts drift to Revelation, where in chapter 19 Jesus comes riding in a white horse, and he is faithful and true.  My hope, our hope, is that Christ will come and fully defeat Satan.  The lies will be swallowed up, destroyed, and all that is left will be Truth.  The house  of Satan, which has raged against humanity since Adam and Eve attempted to claim a seat of authority that wasn't theirs to take, will be vanquished by Truth.  Our eyes will see only Truth, and our hearts will be deceived no more.
  The Pharisees were so enmeshed in a tangled web of deceit and power that they couldn't perceive what was true.  Many others who had become aware of sin's empty promises were able to recognize Truth, shining brilliantly against the darkness around them, pursued him, seeing Truth.  
  It's my prayer that we, too, recognize the Truth, cling to the Truth, pursue the Truth.  And our great hope, Jesus Christ, will one day destroy everything that isn't true.  Only love will remain.

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