Monday, December 7, 2020

Mark 6:1-6

Mark 6:1-6
The Message 

  I'll admit that I don't watch much news these days, but I see a lot of negativity.  The way up the mountain has never seemed, in my opinion, to be climbing over everyone on the path.  Seems like it's much more productive to find fellow travelers and be a voice of encouragement, a voice of hope, along the way.  
  Jesus encountered those who were so focused on where he came from that they were unwilling to consider who he might be.  They thought they understood everything about him based on his past, and so they tried to limit his future.  They talked down about him based on what they thought they knew.
  You'll encounter people like this along the way.  I can promise you that.  Find voices that encourage you, that remind you of the promises of Scripture, that remind you that light shines in the darkness and that God treasures you as a handcrafted child made in the image of God.  
  And as you go, remind others that they, too, are beloved by God.  Serve willingly.  Elevate and encourage.  Don't assume that you understand someone's future based on where they came from.  Who knows who you might meet along the way...

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