Thursday, December 24, 2020

Matthew 1:18-25

Matthew 1:18-25 
English Standard Version 

  Reading the whole story, it's a beautiful tale with a joyous ending -- the birth of a Savior, Immanuel, God with us.  Knowing how the story ends, we hear it with joyous anticipation.  It's like re-reading your favorite novel -- when you get to the stressful parts, you push through, knowing that the resolution will be favorable.  I've read The Count of Monte Cristo three or four times, and I don't worry about the darkest parts, because I know how it will end.  I can read with hope.  I'm reading another book now, and it's hard to carry on, because things look as dark as can be.  I don't know how the story ends.
  There's a moment here when all seems lost.  Joseph is planning to divorce Mary quietly.  Hope doesn't seem to abound.  
  There are moments like that in all of our stories.  You may well be in one now.  You don't know what will happen next.  Circumstances seem overwhelming.  Fear is abundant.  What will happen next?
  I'm not going to promise that everything always resolves neatly.  I will assure you, though, that God is at work in your life, and there is hope for your future.  The light shines in the darkness, and your darkness, whatever it is, will not overcome the light.  Cling to hope, friend, because hope clings to you.  There is light, no matter how dark the night, and we know that on the other side of fear and pain, the joyous light shall continue to shine, for life triumphs over death and hope over despair. 
  Have a merry Christmas!!!

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