Wednesday, February 2, 2022

1 Peter 3:8-12

1 Peter 3:8-12 

  I deeply wish every single politician in this country would read this section of Peter's letter.  We all read the words 'Do not repay evil for evil' and think, "As soon as [insert opponent here] does that, then I'll back down."  Peter is telling his listeners (and us) to take the first step.  Concede something graciously, even to your most strident opponent.  When tempted to do evil, because they probably deserve it or because they did it first or because it's Wednesday or whatever, bless.  Let us lead one another away from evil by walking away from it first. 
  Yes, it's incredibly risky.  Yes, you might not 'win'.  But that's not the point.  There aren't any trophies given away for being the one to sustain a grudge match the longest.  Let us be gracious to a fault, not afraid of losing face because the God who created the universe already loves you with all the love that can be.  This God cannot and will not think less of you, and by taking the first step in grace, perhaps we can invite someone else to take a look at the love of God working in and through us.

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