Friday, September 16, 2022

John 9:13-17

John 9:13-17 

  How calm can you be in the middle of a storm?  
  In so many ways, we often find ourselves in the midst of a storm.  Life, work, family, etc.  It can all feel a bit chaotic, and the winds buffet us while waves threaten to swamp the boat.  Reminds me of how I used to be excited to receive mail when I was a kid.  Now, I'm simply amazed when I get mail and it's not some organization demanding or asking for money!
  This formerly blind man was in the midst of a debate about who Jesus was, but he wouldn't be caught up in it.  He knew what had happened, and the storm went on around him, but he'd been healed, he'd been transformed, and so the storm went on around him, but it didn't rock his world.
  May we all be so confident, so calm, so centered.  Jesus has claimed us and the storms cannot move us, no matter how looming those clouds may be!  May we rest in our Savior, in that all-powerful love, and breathe.

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