Thursday, June 1, 2023

Proverbs 11:24-25

Proverbs 11:24-25 

  I was out watering the grass last night, and it only works because it's connected to the spigot -- if I only had the water that was in the hose when I started, I wouldn't get very far.
   I think it was Martin Luther who talked about us having fingers in our hands so that our blessings placed into our hands could run through our fingers and leave room for more blessings.  
  When we're faithful with a little, Jesus tells us, we'll be given more.  Giving is an automatic ticket to receive more, and we shouldn't give just for the expectation that we'll receive, but if we give with a grateful heart, we'll receive the riches of God's peace, a treasure far greater than money.  What would you give you to have true peace in the depths of your hearts?  That's a treasure, and we want for it... one of the ways to gain that is to give generously, for it teaches us to be grateful to God for every good blessing.

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