Tuesday, October 1, 2024

1 Samuel 10:25-27

1 Samuel 10:25-27 

  This time of year, at the end of the baseball season, plenty of baseball managers may be fired.  The Reds have already fired their manager, although I don't think he's personally responsible for how bad the team was.  Ownership didn't exactly give him the team he needed.  But they needed someone to blame, even if it wasn't the right person.  
  Saul's reign is off to an auspicious beginning.  He's been caught hiding when he was about to be proclaimed king, and now there are some in the crowd wondering how Saul can save them.  
  Can Saul save them?  Did he ever possess that potential?  It's hard to say.  Saul's leadership goes so wrong, but I think there was a chance. 
  These fellows, however, are asking the wrong question.  Saul was never meant to be the deliverer.  That is God's role.  God is the one who could save Israel.  Unfortunately, the people had stopped looking to God.
  We often do as well.  We look to the world around us, looking for something else to deliver us, something visible, rather than turning to God.  It's much harder to trust in God some days, but God is the only truly reliable power in the universe that has power to transcend death.  Who else are you going to trust?

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