Thursday, October 10, 2024

1 Samuel 17:38-40

1 Samuel 17:38-40 

  Here is Saul, looking at David and amazed at his boldness, and then he gives David his armor, which overwhelms the boy.  David instead opts to go with just his staff in one hand and his sling in the other.  Saul's ways are not for David.  
  We can sense Saul fading away.  Saul is afraid, hiding from Goliath, and when David is ready to fight, Saul is giving away his armor.  Saul is the king and ought to be leading the charge, fighting Goliath himself, but he willingly hands his armor over to a boy.  Saul has no fight in him, only fear. 
  May we, like David, find out own path forward.  May we listen to where the Holy Spirit is calling us, and follow the individual path God sets before us.  Others may not understand it, others may not recommend it, but God has called us uniquely and equipped us in specific ways for the things that we will face.  Another's armor will not suit us.  We are each fearfully and wonderfully made.

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