Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Precious Lord-
It's cold outside. The chill sneaks under my jacket, through my sweater and burrows its way into my body, reminding me of my vulnerability to the elements. I shudder as I wrap my coat tighter and seek the warmth and protection of the indoors.
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of this body, and for protecting it from the elements. While I am a sinner, you have died for me. You came to earth in Jesus Christ and lived, breathed and died for us. You rose from the dead, for us. You protect us from sin and death, the very things we seem to be capable of claiming as our own.
Thank you, Lord, for the ability to keep warm. So many are deprived of such a basic necessity. Give me the knowledge of their presence and the courage to witness boldly to you by serving them in love.
Open my eyes so that I may see the world as you do.
Open my arms so that I may serve as Christ does.
Open my heart so I may love with the freedom you do.
Open my live so you may guide it.

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