Ezekiel 1:26-28
English Standard Version (ESV)
Try to describe how good your favorite food tastes to someone who has never had it, and eventually you run out of words -- you tell them what it's like, but there is nothing that fully compares, and they just have to try it for themselves.
This vision begins back in verse 4, but I omitted a number of those verses describing the angels and the general appearance of the throne. You can tell that Ezekiel doesn't have words to describe the full glory of the Lord. It's like the bow and it's like the appearance of fire, but those fail. Our words fail. If our faith exists only in words, it falls short of being a complete faith. There's something vital to action -- both to going out into the community to serve, and also to sitting quietly in the presence of the Lord, stilling the mind and voice to let the grace of God flow over us. A beautiful setting always helps, sitting on a rock and letting the grandeur of the Lord leave you in awe, but ultimately it's simply remembering how great the Lord is and allowing that to lead us into a place of praise and thanksgiving.
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