Revelation 2:12-17
English Standard Version (ESV)
There's an old Jonathon Edwards sermon about sinners in the hands of an angry God, and it captures a lot of popular theology -- that we are all sinners and God is looking for any excuse to cast us into the pit of eternal fire. It's based on fear, and we all fall prey to this line of thinking in some small way. Sometimes we are paralyzed by the fear that we aren't good enough for God, while other times there are nagging doubts as we wonder what grade we get on God's report card at the end of it all.
I don't believe for a second that God is eager to condemn. To my reading, Revelation paints a picture of a God that wants people to turn from sin and towards God. These letters are invitations to turn away from sinful thinking, and the plea is that a sinful people will repent. God comes with an invitation to find grace and conquer.
So do not let fear rule your heart and mind. Take courage in the grace of God, and find comfort in the invitation extended to each of us. It is true that we are all sinners, but it is a greater truth that God has conquered sin and invites us all to dwell with him through the power of forgiveness and the promise of eternal life.
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