Thursday, November 2, 2017

Matthew 28:16-20

Matthew 28:16-20
English Standard Version (ESV)

  A restaurant can spend millions on marketing, but that money is not as effective as satisfied customers telling their friends and family about the great food.  A brand can have the best marketing, but if those who use the product aren't satisfied or impressed, the brand will struggle to find success.  The ability of a message to spread depends on how excited the people are to be part of the movement.
  Authority has been given to Christ, but he then invites us to be a part of his kingdom, to participate in the expansion by inviting others.  We who have been blessed to come to know Christ as King and Savior are invited to be a blessing to others by sharing the news of a Savior who loves without qualification and extends mercy without merit.  If we are transformed by grace, we can then invite others to come, to taste and see, and experience the love of God.

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