Friday, August 11, 2023

Mark 2:18-22

Mark 2:18-22 
English Standard Version 

  Our oldest enters middle school this year.  I remember what a change it was for me -- there were different classes in different rooms, and expectations were raised.  There was more work to do, and less play.  Things changed between elementary and middle school, and I had to change with it, or I would have been left behind.
  Life changes on us all the time -- we're headed in one direction with a set of assumptions, and then circumstances change, sometimes due to decisions we've made, usually not.  Often change is forced upon us.  We then have a choice -- will we adapt, or stubbornly cling to what may no longer be an effective way of dealing with things?  
  When Jesus came, it was a change in how we related to God.  People weren't ready for this, and many opted to cling to old traditions rather than be open to how God might be moving in a new way.  It's hard to change, but when we open ourselves up to the Holy Spirit, God might ask for something unexpected.  God might lead us into something new that requires a new way of thinking or behaving or serving.  God equips us as we go, but it's often not easy, and we often feel very, very unprepared.  
  So may we pray for the wisdom to hold lightly to our ways of thinking, and let God lead us and guide us into what might come next, even if it doesn't look exactly like we think it might!

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