Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Mark 4:35-41

Mark 4:35-41 

  So as we're reading this, we read it as an isolated incident, a miracle that Jesus performs.  But it's so much more than this -- when we hear this, it should take us back to Genesis 1, when there was nothing other than watery chaos, and God spoke over all that there was, and then there was order.  God's voice brought order to the chaos.  To see Jesus do the same is to directly link him back to Genesis 1 and recognize that Jesus carries the same authority over the watery wind and storms, over the chaos, and that Jesus' voice also has creative powers.  To see him command the storms to be calm is to witness the author of creation exercise God's power.  To perform such a miracle, one could be no less than God, which means Jesus isn't just a wise teacher full of inspiring quotes, but very God of very God.  To invite someone like this into your life isn't to bring a consultant in who can advise you on how to improve -- it's to bring the Lord of creation in to worship and adore God in everything we are and do.

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