Thursday, August 17, 2023

Mark 3:7-12

Mark 3:7-12 
English Standard Version 

  One of the fascinating things about Mark's Gospel is that most people don't realize who Jesus is, but the unclean spirits and demons all know about him.  Jesus' identity is a mystery to many, despite the miraculous works he performs.
  When I think of our modern age, it doesn't seem that different.  People don't know who Jesus is.  They maybe think of him (if they think of him at all) as a nice teacher, but they don't believe that he has power and authority.  There's so much noise, so much to chase in this day and age, that we've lost touch with the spiritual world, relegated it to another time, choosing instead to believe in modernity and technology.  These things are fine, but they cannot save us, they cannot deliver us. They do a fine job of distracting us, but the core issues of loss and hurt and division are still there, no matter how much time we spend whistling past the graveyard.
  The demons get it.  They understand there is a far bigger world than this one, with greater powers at work.  They know, and they know who is in charge -- that's why they recognize and respect and fear Jesus.  
  May we keep perspective as well, and not get so caught up, so lost, in the day-to-day, that we miss the bigger picture.

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