Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Psalm 59:1-5

Psalm 59:1-5 
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

Click the above link for the text


  Often, we try and figure out why some evil thing has fallen into our laps.  Sometimes, there is a reason, but it's important to accept that often there is no good reason.  When I was younger and started doing yoga for the first time, I got a cold and assumed that it was God's reminder that I shouldn't do yoga.  I no longer do yoga, but not because I think God doesn't want me to, but rather because I can't seem to make the time for it.
  When we get sick, it's not because God is angry.  When bad things happen, when relationships fall apart, when tragedy strikes, it's often no one's fault.  Sometimes, these things just happen.  This is part of living in a fallen world, and while it's hard to accept, it's important, because then we don't spend all our time and energy beating ourselves up and assuming that God is angry with us, and we're free to receive the love and grace God wants to continue to pour into our lives, even in difficult times.
  So don't close your hands out of frustration or regret.  Open them up to the Holy Spirit, and God will continue to lead you through.

May you accept unconditional grace today

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