Friday, April 10, 2020

John 19:28-30

John 19:28-30 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  When Jesus says that it is finished, he means so much more than his earthly life.  He means that the reign of sin and death, the power they wielded over humanity, is finished.  While they'll still exist, they can't strike fear into the hearts of us anymore, because Christ has made a path, restored a way back into right relationship with God.  Because he was willing for the cross to finish his life we don't have to see death as the finish line, but rather as a beacon we cross, a veil through which we pass, into eternal life.  Because of what Jesus did, we are free to look forward in hope.
  All of this should give the church hope on this Good Friday.  Around the world, death is threatening so much -- it's tearing apart families, economies, relationships.  It's threatening to break apart so many lives, and on Good Friday, we can look to the cross and see what happens to death.  Ultimately, coronavirus and every other thing that threatens us will be finished, while in Christ, we are only getting started.

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