Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Jonah 3:6-10

Jonah 3:6-10 
English Standard Version (ESV)

 Isn't it interesting that even the animals aren't supposed to eat?  I was reading a National Geographic article about how devastating the decline in insect populations is, and how troubling that is for humanity.  I think we forget that sin infests every part of our world -- it's not only limited to how we treat God.  Sin infects how we treat one another, how we treat the earth, how we treat ourselves, and so on.  Sin matters, and it gets into every part of society -- it happens on individual levels and how societal levels. 
  Fortunately, when Jesus dies for our sins, he dies for all of them -- for the big sins and the small ones, because even the smallest sin cannot be tolerated by God.  God is perfect, and the only way we can enter the throne room of grace is to be perfect, and Christ makes us perfect.  You have been washed clean, and so we are bold to hope.
  Now, may that hope infect every relationship, including the relationship we have with one another and with the earth and with the systems and the powers and principalities.  May we be bold in our living and bold in our prayers!

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