Monday, April 20, 2020

Jonah 1:1-3

Jonah 1:1-3 
English Standard Version (ESV)

  Rachel mentioned that Jonah might be a great example of social distancing, seeing as how he spent 3 days in the belly of a whale.  Only 11 days short of what he needed to ensure he's not contagious, but he certainly gets the most unique quarantine award.
  I'll admit that I'm often unsure of exactly what the Lord wants me to do.  There are a few times in my life where I think it's clear, but I often feel like I'm guessing.  In those moments of clarity, though, it'd be extremely hard to turn in the opposite direction and run.  Then again, God has never sent me directly to a city described as evil!  And note that Jonah doesn't just flee from the call to go --  Jonah flees from the very presence of the Lord, as though that's possible.  It's in direct contrast to Moses.  When Moses is less than enthusiastic about God's initial call to be a part of God's liberation plan, Moses stays and argues with God.  It's not the perfect response, but he stays in dialogue, continues the conversation.  It's far better than trying to flee from the presence of the Lord.
  Scripture affirms to us that we cannot flee from God's presence -- God is always there, even if we descend to the depths, as the Psalmist says.  If you're uncertain of a call, or less than enthusiastic, stay in dialogue.  Ask for help.  Ask for clarity.  But don't run.  Even if you do run, God is already there, waiting, like the father in the Prodigal Son, with arms open wide to welcome you home.

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