Friday, July 17, 2020

1 Samuel 17:24-26

1 Samuel 17:24-26 
English Standard Version 

   What's your goal?  We're all motivated by different things.  Some people want renown, others strive for money, some want respect or peace, others seek honor.  The Westminster Confession tells us that the chief end is to glorify God and enjoy God forever.  Sin has corrupted that, but it's still there, deep within us, and we often recognize it, trying to clear a path to that goal, seeking to get all the clutter out of the way.
  In this passage, Goliath has appeared before the Israelites, threatening to enslave them if no one can defeat him.  The Israelites are afraid, and no one will go fight Goliath, even with the promise of riches and a wife and freedom.
  David, though, sees a man who defies the armies of the living God.  David is furious that a man will disrespect God, and that's what sends him into the fight.  He's got a different motivation.  This is why we call David a man after God's own heart.  David gets a lot of things wrong, but he seeks God.  
  Look at your schedule for the coming day.  Where in it will you seek God?  How will you seek God throughout the day?  Do you have time set aside to honor and praise God, to reset your priorities and examine your heart?  Find some time for that.  Pray about how to serve God in the midst of everything going on today.  May that be our goal.

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