Friday, July 24, 2020

Philippians 2:12-18

Philippians 2:12-18 

  Some might read verse 12, working out your salvation with fear and trembling, as putting the responsibility on the believer to solve the problem of salvation.  Instead, think of it like this -- your salvation has been achieved by Jesus Christ two thousand years ago, and it's your responsibility to discover, ever day, what the implications of that are.  To do so properly, we have to approach God with great humility, because God has a far larger vision of what life should like than we often do.  Our eyes are often narrowly focused on getting through the next step, while God sees the broader vision of the entire church working together, weaving the Gospel strands through an intricate dance among Christians around the world.  When we approach God with humility, recognizing the holiness and breadth of God, we have a chance to catch a larger vision of God's greater work, and pray for the ability to see our role in that.  
  So may we indeed hold fast to the word of life, that we may rejoice together in what God is doing, in you and in me and in the whole world, gathering people to God through the love and grace of Jesus Christ!!

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