Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Philippians 1:27-30

Philippians 1:27-30 

  Interesting note here for the 21st century Christian church -- living your life in a manner worthy of the Gospel, Paul tells us, involves striving side-by-side with other Christians.  In doing so, uniting against our opponents we are demonstrating our salvation.  Even in our suffering, we are pointing to the triumphant victory of Christ over sin and death.
  So how can you unite yourself with your fellow believers in this time and place?  We absolutely start in prayer, but it doesn't end there.  Many churches recommend that you have a list of people that do not know Christ that you are actively praying for.  I think it's also wise to make a list of people who do know Christ that are having challenges in their life, be it health or relational or financial.  We struggle with all sorts of different things, and they test our faith in different ways.  I guarantee you can make a difference in the life of a fellow Christian today by reaching out and reminding them that they do not strive alone.

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