Thursday, October 29, 2020

Isaiah 40:21-23

Isaiah 40:21-23 
English Standard Version 

  I don't think about insects very often, except when they're invading the house.  I'll sometimes step on a bug and then wonder how strange it must be for bugs -- they're just walking along, doing their thing, and then a foot 100x larger than them comes out of nowhere and just smashes them.  It'd be like walking along the sidewalk with no evil intent and then a house fell on you.  It's such a different scale, we don't give insects much thought...
  And yet, in terms of power, we're probably closer to insects than we are to God.  God exists outside of the universe and has the power to create worlds with only God's words.  God exists outside of time and space.  We are on a different scale completely.  
  And yet, God graciously enters into creation in Jesus Christ so that we might know God.  Jesus becomes fully human -- God wasn't just pretending to be human, but was fully human and experienced human emotions and relationships.  God became one of us so that we could relate to God.  
  When we look at Jesus, may we remember the immense power of God, because that's what makes the person of Jesus so incredible!  Despite a huge difference in power, God came to earth out of sheer love so that we might know the full depths of God's love, and so that we might be restored to right relationship with God.  
  You are immensely loved, and God became like you, so that you might be forgiven, and because of this grace, you inherit the fullness of the honor that is rightfully due to God.

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