Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Romans 12:1-2

Romans 12:1-2 
English Standard Version 

  Halloween always makes me think of this verse -- because a bunch of living sacrifices walking around the world would be somewhat frightening!!  
  On Halloween, some costumes are so good that you're not sure who or what is underneath them.  Sometimes you think you may know, but you have to check, and other times you are certain that you have no idea.  
  The world is like that.  Some things are wrapped up in packaging, and you don't know quite what the core content is.  There is lots of marketing out there that wraps messages in wholesome packaging, but on the inside, it's maybe not that great for you.  It's like making Lucky Charms cereal with whole grains.  Now, I grew up eating Lucky Charms, and they're amazing... but adding whole grains doesn't make them healthy.  
  So test the world to see what is the will of God.  Pay attention, and ask big questions.  Ask questions of church leaders, of business leaders, of world leaders -- question what is presented, and what is true and good can stand up to questions.  People have been asking questions of Christianity for 2,000 years, and it's still here, still going strong.  Our faith should be informed, not afraid of skepticism, because we believe it to be true.  Where there are gaps, let us admit it and work to fill in the gaps with sound thinking.  God will lead us where we need to be, as long as we are patient and willing to be led.

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